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What Does Your Investment Portfolio Look Like? LOOK IN THE MIRROR!

If you want to heal, you have to be in it for the long haul and willing to do the work. Sound like fun to you? Well, you’re right. It isn’t. But neither is feeling like crap and being labeled as defective with all the prescription meds that attach to you along the way, plus going down and down, getting worse with each passing year, or month, or day. Your health going south not just from ‘getting older’ or because one or both of your parents had the same disease. It’s not because you’re unlucky, or because you’re a bad person, and you can’t blame your genes. All of us have the ability to change the expression of our genes. You may well have a propensity to pack on too many pounds, or have stomach problems, maybe suffer from high anxiety or even scarier illnesses like cancer, but that doesn’t mean that you have to accept your fate and somehow just live through it. We can choose how we want to invest in our life every day, moment by moment.

Although there are many parts of the health picture, a biggie that we often leave out is energy. The negative energy we absorb from others, as well as that which we fritter away or invest in things or people that give us no return, can create illness. Hear that sucking sound? Is your friend or sibling or parent or co-worker literally sucking the life out of you? Doesn’t it make sense that random energy expenditures must be wisely spent, or a deficit occurs? What does that look like in your life? How do you feel after participating in a negative energy exchange or argument? 

Years ago I took a course, the Science of Medical Intuition by Caroline Myss, a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, as well as medical intuition. She developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual stress patterns with diseases. Her style is no holds barred, take no prisoners. But medical intuition is a serious business, a learned skill that carries with it much responsibility. And it requires serious practitioners who have studied the connection between physiology, psychology, and spirituality. They go hand in hand.

My exploration of this wisdom has led me to understand that Myss’ common sense way of looking at cause and effect in what can be a very woo-woo landscape can actually be viewed through the lens of quantum physics for the greatest understanding. She summarizes illness in one phrase, “Your biography becomes your biology.” Ponder that for a moment. What was your childhood like, and why are you still so affected in your present family dynamic? Why do illnesses seem to be familial with several members suffering from the same symptoms or disease labels? Why would a grandmother, daughter and grandchildren all have a serious disease that occurs in exactly the same organ?  

I have had clients who faced this kind of challenge. Looking into their interactions with each other, it becomes easier to understand why an illness is passed on from generation to generation. This perhaps has less to do with genetics, but may be more energetic by definition. I see this phenomenon with myself and my daughter. As a parent, it’s heartbreaking to now understand how she reaped the difficulties of her father and I, absorbing the swirl of anger and anxiety which is now manifesting at an even earlier age in her health than it did in mine. It’s seems difficult to try to break the cycle of guilt and blame. But we can reprogram ourselves to make better choices to help us move forward, to redefine healing for ourselves as well as our loved ones.

Our bodies are made of pure energy, sub-atomic particles in an organizing field that underlies our system’s structure or body. All kinds of emotions become stuck in our bodies throughout our lives and are even passed down from previous generations. Unless we identify and clear them, they can manifest in our body as an ailment of some sort. We make this much worse by choosing to eat bad food, too little sleep, and too much adrenaline from a not-enough-time world, feeding and making stronger the now resident viruses along with the bacteria that hitch a ride. In his best selling Medical Medium books, Anthony William educates us on how to rid ourselves of these pathogens. In Dr. Joe Dispenza’s excellent book Becoming Supernatural, he teaches us that by understanding the process by which our thoughts create our state of being, we can develop the ability to change our body by redirecting our thoughts. We can thrive again!

As a Certified Emotion Code Energy Healing Practitioner, I’m able to observe how much our thought choices, our thinking, can affect our health. Often we don’t consciously know when our energy field has become compromised, but our subconscious mind knows as it busily stores every nanosecond of our day and all that surrounds us. When asked the correct yes or no question, our subconscious energy will give us the correct answer. Energy has no boundaries to traverse, so as a practitioner I can connect with another person over the phone and get answers in the way that a lie detector functions. When a yes or no question is asked about your body, an automatic electrical response occurs in the body’s muscles. This energy field is powerful, but a bit of Divine assistance helps also.

How much of your spirit do you give away to the people who are closest to you at home or work? Could be just listening to the rant of your closest friend brings out your own anger and ruins your mood, or makes your stomach hurt. Maybe learning not to engage in the anger of others, or finding a new friend is in order. If you invest yourself in situations that pay no positive, self-nurturing energetic return on your investment, you leave a little piece of yourself here, there and everywhere. Well then, what the heck is a positive, self-nurturing energetic return on your investment?

Let’s look at a kind of energetic investment you make everyday. You wake up, “Good grief, it’s raining! Rush hour will be ridiculous!” Or, “Thank heaven it’s raining. Our grass will be grateful!” Most of the time, we can consciously choose to entrust our energetic reserves to thoughts and actions that will pay a return with interest according to Caroline Myss. It’s not magic, but a learned action that must become habit. 

In my life, I have become cognizant of the situations where the sucking sound is loudest. In the last few years, it’s been politics. But now I refuse to expend my energy reserves reacting to people who don’t deserve a plug nickel’s worth of me. After working to heal from decades of illness labels and profound chronic fatigue, I certainly don’t need to give bits of myself away to anything or anybody who isn’t a smart expenditure.

So what are good energy investments that will earn interest? Here are 5 to get you started.

  1. Preparing fresh, high quality non-GMO organic nourishing food is a great place to start, and the return is enormous. If you’re tired or in pain, try making an extra effort anyway and be thankful for the food that will make you feel better. Cha-ching!
  2. If someone at work flips your pissed-off switch, try smiling and walking away. Don’t let him or her have any of your spirit. Cha-ching!
  3. When someone close to you is suffering, try to help only in ways that the person will allow. We have to meet everyone where they are in their journey. It’s up to each of us to learn the lessons set for us, so don’t be the disrupter of another’s spiritual journey, even if the fact that there doesn’t seem to be one makes you crazy. You will only give away too much of yourself and create a personal energy deficit. Cha-ching!
  4. Being preachy doesn’t get you very far. I happen to be an expert on sermonizing and am still working on closing my mouth sooner rather than later. Write down your rant first. It’s amazing how reading what you were going to say will point out what many times should be left unsaid.  Words are powerful. And, your spirit will thrive with a bit of editing. Cha-ching!
  5. And finally, invest in compassion for other people, children, and your pets. Specifically, please stop expecting your pets to suddenly turn on their translator. Although your doggie will sometimes respond to basic often repeated words attached to an action like “wanna go out,” “food” or “stay,” she will always respond energetically to yelling. Don’t yell at your pet. You will again be expending your spirit by giving in to needless frustration, and upsetting yourself as well as your furry companion who will only understand that you’re angry and that it must be her fault. Remember that our animals live in a world of very tall creatures. Invest in kindness! Cha-ching!

Life is full of undiscovered riches. Bank those reserves to use for something that will create great memories. It will pay off in huge residual dividends for the rest of your life!

For your listening pleasure, a song by my brother Barry about fly fishing with his grandson Bryce. What a wonderful memory to tuck away for a rainy day! 🙂

Barry King – “Turtlebug” from the album, almost acceptable. (Purple Garage Records ©2009)
Words, music, vocals and all instruments by Barry King.