My Healing Story


After decades of chronic illness, I understand that there’s no quick fix for healing. I also know that healing the physical body must include healing the spirit, and can only take place with a daily persistence to gain the knowledge and take appropriate action to recreate a “normal” life. And, I know that it has little to do with wishing to feel better, but everything to do with belief in your body to heal.

Many of the scary events in my life that should have caused a positive action, didn’t. Watching my mother descend into early-onset dementia, or myself starting to feel utterly exhausted much of the time at age 38, ignited a spark to find some answers, but mostly resulted in doctor shopping instead of addressing the glaringly bad marriage I was in, or the fact that I no longer found joy in my life. The physical and emotional aftermath of heart bypass surgery in 2002 at 53 years old caused me to lose my home, my car, and the professional and financial life that I had built for myself and my daughter, but it didn’t cause me to make the significant changes that would lead to better health. I became paralyzed in a way that I didn’t understand or comprehend much of the time. It was a horror that I descended into that I finally gave up trying to escape. Instead, I accepted the diagnoses of multiple mental and physical conditions, and popped pill after pill until I no longer recognized myself.

The changes that needed to happen at each of these times were different. Some were emotional, others had to do with diet as well as releasing anger and guilt that became trapped in my body, but learning to effectively deal with incoming stressors and trauma would have helped no matter the circumstances. So why are some of us motivated to make the necessary changes after we find the answers, when so many others don’t? As often happens, many health seekers have some sort of epiphany, some random moment or occurrence that propel us into motion. Here’s what happened to me.



In August of 2012. I was admitted into the hospital so that my psychiatrist could purge me of all the psychiatric drugs I was on for chronic depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, anxiety disorder and panic attacks. His plan was to then start over with a new drug regimen that he thought would be more effective. What happened after a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) exploring the possibility of Multiple Sclerosis was a total surprise to everyone. I woke up the next morning with no headache after many years of migraines and new daily persistent headaches or NDPH. Until the morning of Aug. 2, 2012, I didn’t know how incredibly wonderful I could feel without a headache. Of course, I was still quite physically ill, but the euphoria of no head pain was a peek into a ‘high’ I wanted, and I began chasing that high in changing my diet, the way I interacted with the world, and getting off every drug I had been prescribed. 


I read books and researched every breadcrumb I came across, made a few bad food decisions, but overall I progressed. It wasn’t until Feb. of 2015 that I was finally able to taper off Zoloft, the last anti-depressant I will ever take, and 15 years of levothyroxine for thyroid disease, then I was drug free. I was no longer on insulin for type 2 diabetes, gone were the cholesterol and high blood pressure meds, inhalers for asthma, and opioids for migraines and severe anxiety, medicines for heart disease, GERD/acid reflux, bi-polar disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS, fibromyalgia, and for several other disease labels that I’ve thankfully forgotten. But that wasn’t enough to get me where I wanted to go.

In November of 2015, I received an email from Dr. Deanna Minich, a woman that I greatly admire and founder of the Food and Spirit Practitioner Program. She was holding a book in the picture. I saw that the forward was by Dr. Alejandro Junger, M.D., a high profile cardiologist and detoxification specialist who has a healing story of his own. The book Dr. Minich was holding was Medical Medium. I immediately ordered it based on her recommendation. Little did I know the impact this book that I received on November 10, 2015 would have on my life.

Medical Medium explained the decades of illness I had endured. The author, Anthony William, gave an absolutely clear accounting of not only the dozens of symptoms that so many people share which are a mystery to the medical establishment, but most importantly, he gives us answers. Within 6 weeks after starting to incorporate the supplements and food wisdom of Spirit, the ever-present, 24/7 voice outside of Anthony William’s right ear, I began to glimpse my former self. I had spurts of renewed creativity, clarity in my writing, and a sense of purpose that my illnesses had robbed me of. But the most profound healing began when I learned that I could clear my body of trapped emotions caused by traumas, big and small. After a few weeks, I began to regain my lifelong joy in music and began to play my piano, compose and sing again. As an intuitive as well as classically trained musician, I found that the creative space I used to “tune” into when I played was exactly the same that I now use as a practitioner to access the infinite wisdom, information, and mystery of God or Universe or Source, however you want to identify the wisdom available to us all, to help others on their journey.

Today, as an Energy Healing Practitioner and Medical Intuitive, I use several modalities along with the ability to psychically hear, see, and scan the body, to detect and visualize areas of imbalance, then clear them, align, and balance the body. I’m certified in Emotion Code, Food and Spirit™, Animal Communication™, and also use the Body Code software program with over 260 digital maps of the body, mind, and spirit, as a roadmap in detecting underlying root causes. Prior to November 10, 2015, I was still struggling to get through each day of pain, exhaustion and the constant gnawing of “Why am I sick? Why can’t I think? Why can’t anyone tell me what’s wrong?” I no longer have to wonder anymore. I found the answers.

The road to recovery was hard, occasionally exhausting both physically and mentally, and can still be challenging from time to time, but life happens and evolves. So I live, adjust, then I live some more, constantly creating my “new normal.” It’s the dance of life!

My hope is that I can assist others, especially those who have been profoundly and chronically ill, in finding a level of health in which they can again live their life and fulfill the purpose that awaits them.


“Life’s A Journey” ©2006 DEMO for Purple Garage Publishing (Words/Music/Vocal and Piano Performance by Sherry King)